A Spectator of One
My two oldest sons got the Ice hockey bug when they were teenagers, after watching the movie “The Mighty Ducks”. For over a quarter century they have played in numerous states throughout the US and have even traveled to Europe. One son…

Our Mothers Were Our Best Friends
Brett was a member of my dad’s scout troop for several years. He was born with his right arm shriveled with just a few fingers, and his right leg was shorter than his left. He loved to run, but it was mostly a hop and a drag, and his mother…

The Other Woman
Aka. The 72 Toyota Land Cruiser
Shortly after WWII my father purchased a surplus Army Jeep. He then built a plywood box over the passenger and driver section and painted it green. After that, he put silver colored asphalt paint on the top…

My grandfather was a carpenter/farmer. He had run his thumbs through the jointer so many times that his thumbnails were the shape of sharpened pencils.
My love for woodworking began early in my life. Woodshop was a favorite class…

Power From The Power Poles
My Grandfather Amasa Oliver Netzley was 68 years old when I was born; some would say this is retirement age. I was 22 years old when he sold his Almond orchard farm and moved into a house in the city. He, however, promptly planted…

A Tale of Two Pianos
As I transitioned from childhood to adolescence, and throughout my teenage years, my family had very little in the way of extra money. Fortunately, I never went to bed hungry, but my clothing was well worn out before I received replacements. …

Birds of a Feather, Flock Together
In the mid 1950’s my maternal grandparents bought 22 acres in the Santa Cruz Mountains which included a portion of Soquel Creek. They built a split-level one bedroom, one bath home on the steep slope facing the Creek. I can’t even…

An Eye For An Eye
My parents were married in the downtown Methodist church and during my formative years we would attend this church with it's magnificent stained-glass ceiling. Dr. Moon was a most memorable pastor there.
Since I was hard of hearing,…

The Chime Motor
My Mother always tried out new recipes to serve the family. Swedish pancakes, Ebelskiver, Springerle, Pilaf and countless breads to name just a few things she made. Why she even pasteurized milk and made butter. Because of the multicultural…

The Schwinn That Never Quit
Over the years I’ve had a number of bicycles, my favorite being a Luison Bobett in a beautiful metallic green color. My father bought the ten speed bicycle for my birthday, but unfortunately, I did not have it for very long as someone…